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  • Fertility
  • 23.02.23

Loving your body through infertility

Facing the challenges of infertility isn’t easy, in fact, for many women it can be one of the most stressful times of their lives. When you’re trying to fall pregnant you’ll experience a barrage of emotions, lots of ups and downs and you may even feel anxious or depressed. 

If you’re finding it difficult to fall pregnant, your infertility may be affecting the way you feel about your body. For some women it can be confusing, as you try to love your body during fertility treatment, while also feeling like there’s something wrong with your body. 

Through evidence-based therapeutic interventions, our Grace psychologists have helped many Gold Coast women with fertility and conception difficulties. They know how difficult it can be through infertility, but know how important it is to embrace your body and make peace with things not going as planned. 

Our Gold Coast psychologists Karen White and Kerryn Blunt are passionate about supporting women through infertility and have a few tips on how you can love your body throughout the ups and downs of fertility treatment. 

Take care of your body

When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, taking care of your body may not be the first thing that comes to mind, however it can help you love your body and give you a more positive outlook. 

Give your body the nourishment it deserves by eating a balanced, healthy diet. Choose a diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables and limit saturated fat and sugar. Get plenty of rest to keep you physically and emotionally recharged, and exercise to stay healthy and encourage the production of feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. 

Be thankful for your body

While you may feel like your body isn’t doing what it should in terms of fertility, it’s possible to be thankful for the ways your body is supporting you in everyday life. It may feel strange, however thanking your body is a great way to show it love and appreciation. 

Question negative thoughts

When you have negative thoughts about your body, question their validity and truth. It’s easy to get caught up in negativity, however, by examining if you have any proof to support your comments you can challenge them and move towards a positivity. 

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Positive affirmations

If you’re having negative thoughts about your body during infertility, it can be helpful to replace these thoughts with positive affirmations. Statements like ‘I love my body’, ‘I’m proud of my body’s strength’ and other affirmations can help to reinforce positivity and show respect and love for your body through your fertility journey. 

Practise mindfulness and meditation

Loving your body is easier when you have less stress and a calmer mind. Practising meditation and mindfulness and breath work can help you clear your mind and relax. 

Help and support

Our psychologists are here to help you if you’re struggling with negative thoughts about your body through infertility. They can help you deal with the emotions you are feeling and support you throughout your fertility journey. 

Need help? Book an appointment with a Grace psychologist online or call 07 5594 7632 to speak with our friendly team. 

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  • Fertility