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  • Fertility
  • 19.05.22

Trying to conceive? Avoid these 5 things!

If you’re trying to conceive, there are a range of things you can do to boost your fertility. A simple google search on ‘how to fall pregnant’ will give you a huge list of things that may increase your chances of having a baby.

But, have you considered the things you SHOULDN’T do?

Some women fall pregnant quickly, while one in six Australian couples find it more challenging. You and your partner may even need to consider alternative treatment options such as IVF if you’ve been trying for over 12 months, or six months if you’re over 35 years of age.

To help increase your chances of falling pregnant, here are five things you should avoid.

Smoking, alcohol and recreational drugs

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and taking recreational drugs can affect both male and female fertility. In men it can cause impotence and affect sperm quality and in women it can affect reproductive organs and damage your eggs.

Chronic stress

Feeling stressed? It could affect your fertility.

Everyday life is already stressful enough without the pressure of trying to conceive. Chronic stress affects your health and wellbeing and can cause you to drink excessively, adopt unhealthy eating habits and encounter sleeping problems – all things you should avoid when trying to have a baby.

There are many ways to reduce stress when you’re trying to conceive including meditation, breathing exercises, exercising, eating right and reaching out to support services such as psychologists and counsellors.

Certain foods

Good nutrition and eating a healthy, balanced diet can boost your fertility and is important when you’re trying to fall pregnant, just ask Grace’s resident dietitian, Sharnie Dwyer.

There are foods you should avoid when you’re trying to conceive, which include:

  • fish high in mercury
  • trans fats
  • processed foods and foods high GI foods
  • caffeine in excess

Boost your fertility with foods high in folate, vitamin D and Iodine. For men, Zinc supports healthy sperm function.


Unhealthy eating habits

Being overweight or underweight can affect a woman’s chance of falling pregnant and obesity can lead to fertility problems in men. Maintaining a healthy weight can improve fertility and lead to a healthier pregnancy if you do fall pregnant.

A simple way to work towards your healthiest weight would be to avoid skipping meals. This can help reduce the incidence of overeating later on. Also, regular meals will keep your blood sugar levels more steady, meaning your energy levels will be more stable and you will be less inclined to reach for the sneaky treats.

Foods To Eat To Concieve

Excessive exercise

While exercising and maintaining your health and fitness is one of the key ways to increase your chances of conceiving, over exercising can cause fertility issues. Too much exercise can lead to missing periods or irregular periods, affecting your ovulation.

At Grace we take an integrated, holistic approach to women’s healthcare and our specialist team of obstetricians, fertility specialists doctors, midwives, nurses, ultrasound sonographers, physiotherapists, psychologists and dietitians are here to support you pre and post pregnancy.

Grace fertility specialists, Dr Tina Fleming and Dr Tania Widmer have helped hundreds of women and couples achieve their dream of having a baby and are here to support you and help you achieve your goal of starting a family too.

If you’re finding it difficult to fall pregnant, or would like to speak to someone about how to increase your chances of conceiving, ‘ask for Grace’ next time you visit your GP for a referral to one of Grace’s fertility specialists.

  • Categories:
  • Fertility