support for new mothers gold coast
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  • Pregnancy | Resources
  • 17.05.24

Where to seek support as a new mum

Becoming a mum is a new adventure and an exciting experience in so many ways. But, let’s be honest, being a new mum also comes with its fair share of challenges. The great news is there are plenty of places to find support and guidance to build a tribe and navigate the exciting journey as a mother. 

To help you, here are four ways to seek support as a new mum: 

Grace Mums and Bubs Group

Of course, this is at the top of our list! As a thank you for having your baby with Grace, we have an exclusive Grace Mums and Bubs Facebook group just for you. It’s a closed community that gives you a direct line to our Grace midwives, the latest information and a supportive network of other new mums. Think of it as a virtual village that’s there to cheer you on. 

Local mum’s groups

In Australia, local mum groups are popular and it’s a great way to connect with other parents who are going through similar experiences. Check out local mum meetups or playgroups in your area. Connecting with mums who live nearby can provide a sense of community and offer the opportunity for playdates and shared experiences.

Whether you share a coffee, or just chat online, you’ll be able to share stories, ask questions and build friendships that could last a lifetime. 

support with a new baby Gold Coast

Family and friends

Family and friends will often reach out and ask if you need any help. Our suggestion is ‘accept it’! Embracing the support offered by your loved ones not only lightens your load but also strengthens the bonds with your family. Whether it’s a home-cooked meal, a few hours of babysitting, or simply a listening ear, accepting help is a gift you give both to yourself and those who care about you. 

Seek professional help

When the challenges of motherhood feel overwhelming, seeking professional help becomes not just an option but an important step toward improving your well-being. If you find yourself experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or an overall struggle to cope, reaching out to our Grace psychologists is a brave and essential choice.

Postpartum depression is a common concern, affecting many new mothers. The symptoms can be subtle or intense, and seeking professional support is instrumental in addressing this condition. Our onsite Gold Coast psychologists Karen White and Kerryn Blunt can assist with postpartum depression, as well as a myriad of other issues including anxiety, birth-related trauma, parent-infant attachment issues, sexual function and more. 

No referral is needed to speak to a Grace Private psychologist – just book online. 

Prepare for parenthood with Dr Frances Knight

Dr Frances Knight offers tailored antenatal education appointments, with a foundation in Neuroprotective Developmental Care. Address conflicting advice, clarify your parenting values, prepare for breastfeeding and enhance your skills in responding to your baby’s cues. Partners are welcome in these 30-minute consultations starting in the third trimester. 

Dr Knight also offers comprehensive parent and child consultations, providing support for various concerns such as crying, feeding, sleep and parental mental health. With her compassionate approach, Dr Knight aims to empower women and nurture them throughout their parenthood journey.

No referral is needed to see our Women’s Health GP, Dr Frances Knight at Grace, simply call to make an appointment.

Remember that seeking support is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your strength. 

We hope these tips are helpful on your journey as a new mum. Here’s to embracing the adventure of motherhood and building lasting connections along the way!

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  • Pregnancy, Resources