Neuroprotective Development Care Gold Coast
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  • Health | Pregnancy
  • 17.02.23

Neuroprotective Developmental Care at Grace Private – Dr Frances Knight

Everyone wants to get off to the best start when their little one arrives, but sometimes it can be hard to know where to start. There is a tonne of information available on preparing for parenthood, but conflicting advice can be confusing. 

Thankfully, at Grace Private, we’re here to help, and our specialist team will do everything we can to ensure your journey into parenthood is joyful and relaxed. 

After returning from maternity leave, I now offer personalised antenatal and postnatal consultations. As a Specialist Women’s Health GP, and mother of four, I’ve completed my qualifications in Neuroprotective Development Care (NDC) and offer evidence-based and real-life expertise to help you during this exciting time. 

antenatal education

I offer education on a range of topics which are usually on the top of the most frequently asked questions about parenthood, including: 

  • How to prepare for parenthood while honouring your values. 
  • How to optimise your mental health and relationships.
  • Milk feeding (breast and bottle).
  • Healthy sleeping. 
  • How to manage crying and fussing. 

Neuroprotective Development Care (NDC)

Let me tell you a little more about Neuroprotective Development Care, or as it’s also known, the Possums Program. NDC uses the latest evidence-based information gathered over 15 years to empower parents and promote responsive caregiving. It offers a range of tools to experiment with to make life with your child more workable and enjoyable. 

This program is unique because it promotes an integrated approach. It aims to liberate parents from rules and strict routines to improve mental health and quality of life and build a strong connection with your child. 

NDC is not: 

  • Strict sleep training routines. 
  • Rules and lectures. 
  • Cry it out techniques. 

NDC Consultations at Grace Private

Through a range of holistic strategies, we will work together to get you off to the best start with your little one or address any areas of concern. Based on the foundations of NDC, I acknowledge how different areas influence each other and suggest ways to achieve the best outcomes for you and your baby. 

I understand that no one knows you and your baby better than you, so my approach is non-judgmental and holistic, and aims to avoid labelling, medicalisation, clock-watching and strict routines. 

During our time together, we can

  • Help you clarify your values and parent in a way that aligns with them.
  • Enhance your skills to respond sensitively to your little one’s cues.
  • Suggest flexible strategies to be successfully applied in different environments as your baby grows, including socialising, travelling and returning to work. 
  • Improve the quality of parent-child bonds and long-term development outcomes. 

As an experienced GP, I can also provide comprehensive assessment and appropriate management of any medical issues that arise, ongoing healthcare, and fast-track referral pathways to lactation consultants, physios, paediatricians etc., if needed. 

If you’re interested in knowing how to get off to the best postpartum start and would like more information on milk feeding, sleep, crying and fussing, parental mental health and adjusting to becoming a parent, please contact Grace Private to make an appointment with me. 

I look forward to meeting you and helping you navigate this exciting journey into parenthood. 

Dr Frances Knight


  • Categories:
  • Health, Pregnancy